Rei plays Bach in back of a van.

Multiplier event Eurhythmics

Welcome to Eurhythmics in Education & Artistic Practice (EEAP) – Multiplier Event 3-4 (5) June 2023 in Stockholm.

When: 3-4 (5) June, 2023

Where: KMH, Royal College of Music in Stockholm
How to get here

We are four HEIs who have worked together in an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for three years. The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the network between Eurhythmic Educations in Europe.

Now we invite you to the Multiplier Event where we will share what we have worked with during the project! The first two days, 3-4 June, are open to all students, teachers and invited guests.

The last day, 5 June, is planned for the teachers from Eurhythmics Educations in Europe. This day we are going to focus on how we can work together in the future.

There will be no conference fee because the conference is funded by Erasmus+. But as a participant you will pay for your meals.

Programme and more information about the Multiplier event (EEAP) Pdf, 2.9 MB, opens in new window.

Registration form

You cannot register any longer. Registration closed on 5 May at 23.30.
AOE EU banner logotype
