Eurhythmics is...
a way of experiencing music through the interplay with movement: the listening body as sensitive organ bridges music and motion.
Perceiving, exploring, improvising and composing music and movement in interactive group settings builds the core of the practice. The subject aims at the development and differentiation of musical as well as motor skills as intertwined qualities. This forms the basis for learning processes, creative and artistic development.
History and publications
Library – list of selected publications on Eurhythmics
International networks
FIER is an association which gathers together Eurhythmics teachers, the majority of whom teach according to the principles of Jaques-Dalcroze, and people throughout the world interested in Eurhythmics.
ICDS is a forum for knowledge exchange in the understanding of music and movement in general, and Dalcroze Eurhythmics in particular.
National networks
Österreichischer Berufsverband für RhythmikMB External link.
Dalcroze France External link.
Arbeitskreis Musik und Bewegung / Rhythmik an Hochschulen e.V. External link.
Associazione Italiana Jaques-Dalcroze External link.
Svenska Rytmikförbundet External link.
Berufsverband Rhythmik Schweiz External link.
L'Association Suisse des Professeurs de Rythmique Jaques-Dalcroze External link.
United Kingdom
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