More about the project EEAP
Four HEIs have worked together in an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for three years. The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the network between Eurhythmic Educations in Europe.
The strategic partnership aim to support the development, transfer and implementation of innovative practices in the field of Eurhythmics, as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience at European level.
During the project (2020-2023) students and teachers from the four HEIs visited each other on so called “Learning – Teaching – Training weeks” (LTT). During these weeks teachers and students took part in workshops, lectures, concerts, school visits, reflections, and creative work.
During the LTT weeks we focused on eight different themes based on each HEI’s strengths:
- Vienna: Eurhythmics in the field of artistic research
- Vienna: Eurhythmics in inclusive and therapeutic setting
- Berlin: Relatedness of music and movement
- Berlin: Concepts of rhythm
- Katowice: Plastique animée – tradition and contemporary performing
- Katowice: Composing music, composing movement
- Stockholm: Listening movement
- Stockholm: Eurhythmics in classroom and instrumental teaching
After the LTT weeks the experiences has been summarized, and the material has been edited. The teachers then developed the themes in various kinds of collaboration, and created material that could be shared, as an inspiration for others.
Participating universities/HEIs:
- Kungl. Musikhögskolan, Stockholm (project leader Eva Wedin, Ingela Kågebo)
- Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Wien (Hanne Pilgrim, Christoph Falschlunger, Jutta Goldgruber)
- Universität der Künste, Belin (Dorothea Weise)
- Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Szymanowskiego in Katowice (Barbara Dutkiewicz)
The project was funded by Erasmus+, an EU programme to support education.
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