Verbs: A Glossary
In the course of the project and in the context of its workshops, results and reflections, a collection of verbs has been created, which are located at the intersection of art and knowledge and point to various processes, activities, contents and practices within eurhythmics, but also beyond eurhythmics itself.
Traditional encyclopedic keywords are replaced by verbs in order to express the concrete doing or activity which is an essential feature of any form of art, and thus also of music and movement; on the other hand, verbs have the potential to express the processual nature of eurhythmics in particular: Music and movement unfold in experienced time and in concrete and shared activity.
To develop this glossary, we asked students from Katowice (POL) and Berlin (DEU) to find a verb for each of the two topics from the workshop, which took place in November 2021 in Berlin that expresses a certain aspect of the module and to write a short text about it. The topics were Concepts of rhythm and Relatedness of Music and Movement.
Based on these verbs, we added associated materials as text, photo, audio or video. Some of these refer to practices, lectures and results of the workshop, others are taken from already published publications or are artistic creations of students from Berlin. According to the described structure, two ‘theme trees’ can be found, whose branches are formed by the verbs with their associated materials.
Prof. Dorothea Weise, Maria Hector
Universität der Künste, Berlin (UdK) External link.
Sliding Interactions
The atlas Sliding Interactions allows for the display an open number of objects, soundclouds, filmclips, texts, that may enter via an edited matrix of attributes into variable, unpredictable, and dynamic relations with each other. Find the verbs and their materials arranged in two clouds and let yourself be invited to browse around in this moving space with its shifting contents.

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