Rhythmising and Grooving
Rhythm in “Old School” and Contemporary Eurhythmics. Considerations on learning rhythm in the context of movement.
Marianne Steffen-Wittek initially concentrates on theoretical concepts of rhythm with special reference to texts by the founder of eurhythmics Émile Jaques-Dalcroze, and corresponding writings by Henrietta Rosenstrauch. As music educators, their writings provide a deep insight into the analysis of difficulties in the realisation of rhythms and ways to overcome them. The following selection of current theoretical concepts of eurhythmics in Germany shows in particular an intensified view of the connection between perception and movement and its (still to be further researched) effects on pedagogical and artistic activity.
Rhythm theory and research in rock, pop, jazz and groove-based music is a relatively young field. In her remarks on groove and swing in jazz music, Steffen-Wittek refers to Mark Russell Doffman, whose embodied concepts can be important material for jazz-oriented rhythm teaching. She develops practical examples and connects them with the complex theoretical concept of eurhythmics by Holmrike Oesterhelt-Leiser.
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