Transferring, Transforming, Translating
Video: Short Piece for Hands 1
The word transferring is made up of the Latin preposition trans (across, beyond) and the verb ferre (to carry). You could say something is carried to another place. Synonyms of this verb are to transpose, to copy, to transmit.
Something can be changed in its form, but not in its essence or its informational content. So, in order to transfer something, we must first understand the essence of it, so that we understand what must remain and what can be changed or omitted. We transpose the meaning of a movement or a musical, rhythmic structure. Through transposition, the essence of the transferred motif shows itself even clearer. Through the change we can distinguish what was coincidence and what was intended action. The essence and the character remain.
Vanessa Budai
Video: Short Piece for Hands 2
To transform: from Latin transformāre, < trans- prefix + formāre to form, < forma
- transitive. To change the form of; to change into another shape or form; to metamorphose.
- Physics. To change (one form of energy) into another, as mechanical energy into electricity, or electric energy into light or heat.
Energy is not lost. Already with the acoustic hearing of the sounds an impulse is set in motion, which is processed by the ears and converted there to a reaction. This reaction happens either consciously or unconsciously. It happens for example by the immediate conversion of the heard music into the form of movement, but also in feeling and sensing in the own body, which leads to a consciously decided expression of movement.
Lisa Ziehm
It is one of the most important and indispensable actions for music and movement as well as for the whole LTT exchange program. It is necessary to build bridges in both: connecting people by (body-)language and also in managing a cognitive and sensible transfer from one medium to another. Music to movement, vision to hearing, feeling, sensing – in multiple ways. The roots of the word ‘translating’ come from the latin mixture of ‘trans’ = across; through and ‘ferre’ = carry; bear, showing its close relatedness to ‘transfer’. The german word for translation is ‘übersetzen’ and has another meaning as well, which I think completes the abundance of possibilities for this action: it is used to ferry across a boat to another riverbank. - Let’s use translation to discover and reveal!
As a little animation to the latter thought I found a traditional Dutch sport - Fierljeppen. I found this very fitting as a symbol to represent the moving, sometimes exhausting and at the same time so whimsical process of translating – because all of a sudden you are on the other side and you understand.
Elisa Kostka

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