Instruments and equipment

Instructions and rules for borrowing and returning instruments and other equipment.

One-day loans when at campus

We lend instruments and equipment for day loans. You make your bookings at Support Services, see contact information below, or via the Helpdesk system. Go to Helpdesk External link. (only in Swedish) and choose:
Ärendetyp: Beställning och bokning –> Bokning av utrustning.
Fill out the details for your request, and click Spara.

The following applies to borrowed equipment

  • You may use borrowed equipment on campus only.
  • You are responsible for what you have borrowed.
  • You check out the equipment at Support Services.
  • Never leave borrowed equipment unattended, at the Support Service desk or elsewhere.

To return equipment

  • You return what you have borrowed to the staff at Support Services, who receive and scan the equipment.
  • If the Support Services desk is unmanned, come back later—or make sure you have requested access to the store room 4109.

The store room 4109

As of the autumn term of 2019, you can request temporary access to the store room 4109 in connection with instrument loans. 4109 is located next to Not & Bok in house 4, floor 1. There you can store borrowed equipment during the loan period, and also return it when Internservice is closed.

You request access to 4109 in connection with the check out of your equipment. You can return borrowed equipment in the store room until 22.50 on weekdays, 21.50 on weekends, provided you have requested access to it.

Support Services hours

Long loans, instrument care

KMH’s Instrument technician, Stefan Lindholm, see contact information below, is a violin maker who perform service and repairs of stringed instruments in his workshop. He also lends out string and wind instruments and acoustic guitars for longer periods.

You'll find Stefans room at entrance level, building 1, house C, by the Erling-Persson Atrium. Opening hours are posted on the door.

Long loans, projects, and use outside campus

Notification of equipment and instruments needs to be done by the responsible teacher at least one week in advance. Use the equipment form available at the Support Services counter. Be sure to enter the reason why you need the equipment.

Other equipment

Cello endpin stopper

Cellists have to use some kind of endpin stopper. Damage to floors caused by not using endpin stoppers will be charged to the person who caused it.

Delicate keyboard instruments

In several rooms there are two grand pianos. One is intended for teaching situations only, and must be locked. It may not be used for your own exercise.

Personal equipment

KMH is not responsible for your own instruments or other belongings. Make sure you have good insurance coverage, and for your own sake, label all equipment you store at campus.

Reservations, questions and fault reports

Primarily, please use Helpdesk External link. (even though it's in Swedish ...).

08-572 10 801
08-572 10 802

Support Services hours
