RAKSTI - An Atmos Choir Experience
Join us for an immersive evening that combines the remarkable musical talents of Janis Sipkevics and Kristine Botros, who are currently pursuing their master's degree in music production at Royal College of Music in Stockholm.
The Voices of the Latvian Radio Choir, recorded exclusively for this performance create a symbiosis of technology and human body as the artists navigate a live performance in the KMH Lilla Salen Dolby Atmos Amphitheater using their voices and real-time manipulation of sound.
Upcoming events and concerts
Masterkonsert Annika Valkeajoki
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Opening Sounds
- Kungasalen, The Royal HallExtern arrangör: Ett av de mest välkända inslagen i Stockholms gatubil…
Kammarmusik i Januarikvällen
- Kungasalen, The Royal HallBlandad kammarmusikkonsert i Kungasalen.
Musiklärarfemmorna bjuder på konsert del 3
- Little Hall, Lilla salenÅk 5 på musiklärarprogrammet bjuder på konsert med två olika band som …