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David Thyrén

Lektor musik och samhälle på Inst. för Musik, pedagogik & samhälle

08-572 10 574

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Om mig/About me

I am working as a senior lecturer of Musicology at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. I teach music history and supervise and examine artistic degree theses on various educational programs. My areas of expertise include the histories of church music, classical music, electro-acoustic music, jazz, rock and popular music, film music, and music and medicine.

Research activities

I am anchored in interdisciplinary research, supervise master and candidate students, have authored scientific articles (cf. Research Gate) and various other publications. My doctoral thesis contains detailed case studies of the Swedish progressive music movement and I have also studied the development of the exports of Swedish music in last two decades. My international network includes organizations such as The Art of Record Production, Innovation in Music, Music & Entertainment Industry Educators Association (MEIEA) and Nordoff-Robbins. I am currently engaged as a researcher in the international Erasmus plus project ARTHEWE.

My research focus is on music in relation to history, society and health, HeArtS (Health – Arts – Sustainability), music and learning (knowledge concerts), arts and humanities, aesthetics, ethics, creativity, and flow.

Lecturing in

  • Music history orientation
  • Music history specializations
  • Music history & performance practice
  • Music and media production history and theory
  • Film music history and analysis
  • Music and Medicine
  • Music and learning environments