Student Union, KMS
The student union at KMH is called Kungl. Musikhögskolans Studentkår, KMS. We are students equivalent to a union and work actively for the students best. KMS organizes many student social activities, runs the bookstore NotoBok, and appoints members to the preparatory and decision-making bodies at KMH.
KMS works to make the time as a student at KMH as enjoyable as possible for all students. We have a job-brokering service, and help everyone who want to start and run social activities.
KMS represents the student community at various issues discussed with the university, and appoints student representatives to the Board, committees and groups.
As a member of the KMS, you also have access to a range of benefits and discounts, not least in Not&Bok, the own bookstore of students, the union's own bookstore, where students can obtain course literature and study material.
Student influence
All students at universities and colleges in Sweden have a statutory right to interest on issues of importance to the education or the students' situation. At KMH, it means that the Student Union KMS appoints members of the preparatory and decision-making bodies.
The College Board
The College Board is responsible for KMH performing its education assignment. The College Board decides on the overall orientation and organization of the business, the allocation of places of study and financial resources.
The Education and Research Board, UFN, is responsible for the quality of the education. The UFN has four committees: second-cycle, third-cycle, teacher education and research.
The academic Appointments Board will make proposals when professors and lecturers are to be appointed.
The Disciplinary Board decides in some cases of disciplinary actions against students.
Other groups and committees
Other groups that monitor various areas include the Work Environment Committee, the Crisis Management Group and the Central Cooperative Group, responsible for information and obligation to negotiate with the unions.