Job opportunities at campus
Interested in working extra while studying at KMH? Here you will find brief information on the various job opportunities available on campus.
Student ambassador
Being an ambassador for your education and for KMH as a college is a paid assignment. The idea is that you help to inspire students of all ages to pursue further studies in music, by talking about what life is like for students.
This is what you do
As a student ambassador, you participate during study visits, open house events and exhibitions. You tell about your way to KMH, how you experienced the admissions exams, what you do within your education and what a typical day at KMH looks like. Of course, visitors always will appreciate if you demonstrate your musical skills.
This is what you get
This is a social and fun job where, in addition to salary, you get to learn more about how the college works. You gain additional stage experience and experience of meeting large groups. As a representative of the college and your education, you are a role model to those you meet. Therefore all ambassadors receive a brief introduction on KMH's various education and admission routines, as well as the rights and obligations of students.
If you would like to try working as an ambassador, please contact Ida Petri Kinner at the External Relations Office, via email. Tell us the following:
- Which education you attend.
- What year.
- What pre-training you have participated in.
Working at an academy
The academies employ students for different types of work, especially in connection with admission tests. Sometimes there is also the opportunity to work in connection with various activities that the academies organize, such as conferences.
To register your interest, first contact the study directors at the academies.
Concert hosts and guides
Concert host
As a concert host, you both host and represent KMH, for the audience as well as those who participate on the stage. You are responsible for ticket control, security and for managing the stage light.
Contact Johan Lindquist, at the Production Department, if you are interested in working as a concert host.
As a guide you represent KMH, and tell groups of visitors about the new campus, the architecture and concert halls, about the courses, the concerts and other activities.
There is great interest in guided tours and we receive groups from all sorts of organizations, companies and associations. Almost all tours take place Tuesdays at 11 am and Thursdays at 17.15. A tour takes 45 minutes. Administration of the guided tours is not included in the guide assignment.
Contact Elina Edblom, conference coordinator, if you are interested in working as a campus guide.
Musician at an event
Events that take place here at KMH or in collaboration with us, almost always contain elements of music. The events are coordinated by Elina Edblom, conference coordinator, or by Per Sjöberg, concert and event producer.
Advertised in collaboration with KMS
The need for musicians is announced via the Student Union's website. The union also advertises assignments from private individuals in need of instrument teachers, musicians, ensembles, composers and the like. Stay tuned and subscribe to new posts!
The University Library regularly receives help from students as library guards in the afternoons, at 15.45 to 18.15. Besides kepping watch over the library entrance, you wrap books and notes, perform some office work, and handle the closing routines.
If you are interested send an email to Ann Malm, Chief Librarian.
Involvement in the Student Union
As an active member of the union there are opportunities to work with study social activities. The union also appoints members to the preparatory and decision-making bodies at KMH.
KMS contact information External link. (info in Swedish)
Forms, fees and practical information
You will need to fill out forms for, for example, fees and hourly accounting. The person in charge of the assignment in question provides you with the information you need, and can answer questions about compensation, payments and other practical.
Identity number/coordination number
You need to have a Swedish personal identity number, or a coordination number (samordningsnummer), in order to receive salary from KMH.
If you do not have a Swedish identity number, you can obatin a so called coordination number from the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). The coordination number is a temporary personal identity number.
Contact the Swedish Tax Agency to get your coordination number, they will give you a coordination number if you have gained employment in Sweden and are due to pay tax.
If you need help in obtaining your coordination number from the Swedish Tax Agency, please contact
Personal identity numbers and coordination numbers (The Swedish Tax Agency) External link.
To invoice KMH
If you want to be able to invoice KMH, you must use an electronic invoice management service, e-invoice. This is not something KMH has chosen, but a legal requirement that covers the entire public sector in the EU.