To invoice KMH

We are gradually transitioning to accepting only electronic invoices. We encourage you to send your e-invoices to us via the PEPPOL network, but there are several solutions.

Since 1 April 2019, all suppliers to the public sector must provide e-invoices according to the new European standard. PDF invoices or scanned paper invoices are not considered to be e-invoices.


For larger volumes and frequent invoicing, PEPPOL is the recommended service.

  • KMH's PEPPOL-id: 0007:2021001215

PEPPOL External link.

E-invoicing with Fakturaportalen

If you register at the invoice portal Fakturaportalen, you can invoice us via their services.

Fakturaportalen External link.

Order reference requirements

All invoices to must contain an order reference. You receive it from your customer at KMH. The reference consists of a total of 8 characters, KMH followed by three letters and two digits. Example: KMHCLD01.

Terms of payment

Our payment terms are 30 days. We do not accept handling, billing or similar fees.

Questions and more information

If you have questions or need help, please contact our financial unit:
