Dissertations, theses
All theses and dissertations are published in the research database DiVA, Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet. Some of them can also be bought via Notobok, the student union's bookstore.
A list of dissertations and theses
The links take you to published dissertations in DiVA.
Publicerad i DiVA
Music-Dance Mediations : Performative Explorations into an Asymmetrical Type of the Swedish Polska
Abstract: This thesis collects a series of works that engage with Swedish folk music, dance, theory and practice. The studies provide insights into the articulation of rhythm and meter in a local style of the...
Publicerad i DiVA
Reading Vocal Music: Eye Movements and Strategies
Abstract: Abstract: Music reading is a central skill for choral singers and conductors. The objective of this dissertation was to address the question of what strategies experienced musicians with a choral...
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Interactive Sound and Music Technology for Everyone : Designing Inclusive Standards for Web Audio...
Abstract: In this compilation thesis, I examine how systems and formats can be designed to include more people in creating interactive sound and music applications. I contribute knowledge, aiming to include...
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Spelets regler : En studie av ensembleundervisning i klass
Abstract: The aim of this study is to explore criteria characterizing music teacher’s strategies when trying to adapt their teaching to individual students. The interaction of three music teachers with their...
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Linjer : Linjer: Musikens rörelser – komposition i förändring
Abstract: Title: Linjer. Musikens rörelser – komposition i förändringEnglish title: Lines: Music Moving – Composition ChangingAuthor: Kim Hedås Language: Swedish, with an English SummaryUniversity: The Academy...
Publicerad i DiVA
Melody Beyond Notes : A Study of Melody Cognition
Abstract: Abstract Melody beyond notes - a study of melody cognition Keywords: Melody, Cognition, Melodic segmentation, Melodic Parallelism, Pitch Structure,Meter, Rhythm, Grouping, Swedish Folk Music, Music...
Publicerad i DiVA
Inte bara musik. : Om elevers positionerande i grundskolans musikklassrum.
Abstract: The aim of this dissertation is to study how positioning among students in the music classroom interplays with music teaching activities as practised in Swedish comprehensive schools. The study uses a...
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Singing the body electric : Understanding the role of embodiment in performing and composing...
Abstract: Almost since the birth of electronic music, composers have been fascinated by the prospect of integrating the human voice with its expressiveness and complexity into electronic musical works. This...
Publicerad i DiVA
”Det är ur görandet tankarna föds” – från idé till komposition : En studie av kompositionsprocesser...
Abstract: “Doing gives birth to ideas”. From ideas to composition: a study of composition processes in higher music education. Recent technological developments have challenged the historical methods of...
Publicerad i DiVA
Meningserbjudanden och val : en studie om musicerande i musikundervisning på högstadiet
Abstract: AbstractAffordance and choice: performing music in lower secondary schoolThe purpose of this study is to elucidate affordances and meaning-making processes where students in Compulsory lower secondary...
Publicerad i DiVA
Kurbits-ReBoot : svensk folksång i ny scenisk gestaltning
Abstract: This artistic research project is an explorative study in new forms of expression of Swedish folk singing in a scenic context, exploring expressive qualities in traditional Swedish folk song from the...
Publicerad i DiVA
Om professionella aktörers musikpedagogiska definitionsmakt : En kulturhistorisk studie av samband...
Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to illuminate which role theories of music education can have in the dialectic between discourse and competence in the practice of music pedagogy. The thesis stems from a...
Publicerad i DiVA
Musisk pedagogik med kunskapande barn : vad Fröbel visste om visan som tolkande medel i barndomens...
Publicerad i DiVA
Interaktion och kunskapsutveckling : en studie av frivillig musikundervisning
Publicerad i DiVA
Ergonomi i musikutbildningen : ergonomiska och kognitiva aspekter på instrumentalspel
Publicerad i DiVA
Meningen med att gå i musikterapi : En fenomenologisk studie om deltagares upplevelser
Abstract: The aim of the thesis is to illuminate music therapy in Sweden by exploring participant’s experiences of Functionally Oriented Music Therapy (FMT), music therapy grounded on psychodynamic theories and...
Publicerad i DiVA
Örats skolning : Radiokonservatoriet och musikbildningsarbetet
Abstract: This dissertation has the main purpose of analysing the biggest single musical educational project in Sweden, so far, Radiokonservatoriet (the Radio Conservatory) from an educational perspective. The...
Publicerad i DiVA
Musikproduktion med föränderliga verktyg - en pedagogisk utmaning
Abstract: The Millennials, today’s pupils and students, is the first generation to grow up with tools for interactive communication and media production. Many students choose to study music production in higher...
Publicerad i DiVA
Musikdirektör Anders Sidner : Musikundervisning och musikliv i skolstaden Härnösand 1840-1870
Abstract: The present study, together with my licentiate's dissertation, Music education and examination at the Royal Academy of Music during "the Pehr Frigel Era", 1796-1842, constitutes my doctoral...
Publicerad i DiVA
Musikalisk kunskapsutveckling i högre musikutbildning : en kulturpsykologisk studie av...
Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to obtain a deeper understanding of students’ approaches to musical knowledge as it is distributed through one-to-one tuition in higher music education (HME). With a...
Publicerad i DiVA
"Vad månde blifva af dessa barnen?" : En studie av David Björlings pedagogik och dess bakgrund i...
Abstract: The dissertation's title is: "What is to become of these children?", a study of David Björling's way of teaching and the background to it in older traditions of teaching singing.
During the first...
Publicerad i DiVA
Det måste få ta tid : En studie av musikterapeuters verksamhet i skolan
Abstract: x
Publicerad i DiVA
Vad ska vi sjunga? : En musikpedagogisk diskurs om tiden mellan två världskrig
Abstract: The thesis contains an analysis and interpretation of the school music debate that was particularly lively during the 1930s. The debate started with an article in Stockholms-Tidningen – Stockholms...