Meet our PhD students
Currently, KMH has a number of PhD students linked to us via collaborations with other universities. Here, each PhD student's ongoing thesis work is presented with a brief description of the work's purpose, method and results so far.
As KMH does not yet have the entitlement to award a qualification at the postgraduate level we collaborate mainly with KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology, with the medical university Karolinska Institutet, KI, and with the Faculty of Arts at Lund University.
Any open positions on postgraduate level are published under Vacancies (in Swedish).
PhD students in music
KMH has five so-called Industrial PhD students in music. They pursue doctoral studies as competence development within the framework of their positions as teachers at KMH through the formalization of a long-established cooperation between KMH and KTH.
Johan Fröst: With music as a Script
Torbjörn Gulz: Improvisation Strategies for Jazz Musicians
Hans Lindetorp: Music Production for Interactive Media
Olof Misgeld: Playing and Dancing – Performance Tools in Folk Music
Mattias Sköld: Interactive Notation of Music as Sound
PhD students in music education
In addition, doctoral studies in music education are conducted.
Incca Rasmusson: Swedish Eurhythmics 1906–1978 – emancipating embodied knowledge
Maria Timoshenko: Sight-reading skills in individual and group settings: An eye-tracking study
Sheng-Ying Isabella Weng: Expressivity in Violin Performance
ROCIT – Research on Collaboration in Teacher Education
In 2022, a new research school called ROCIT – Research on Collaboration in Teacher Education started in collaboration with seven other higher education institutions. Within the framework of the collaboration, two doctoral students are doing their research studies at KMH, Johan Börelius and Mika Pohjola.
Mika Pohjola: Musical identity – The music teacher student's identity dimensions