Apply for credit transfer
If you have completed studies or other qualifications that correspond to a course or part of a course at KMH, you can apply to have them credited. You must be accepted and studying at KMH in order to apply for credit transfer.
You need to submit different certificates depending on the type of credit you are applying for.
Crediting of studies
If you are applying for credit based on studies, you must attach
- documents that support your application: results certificates and course syllabus from other institutions of higher education, including foreign ones.
Crediting of professional experience
If you are applying based on work experience, please attach
- a detailed description of the knowledge and skills you have gained through your work
- employer's certificate showing the period of employment, scope of work, your role and a description of work duties.
Prepare and collect all documents before starting the application and then upload everything collected. KMH cannot give advance notice of what can be credited.
You can make an application in Ladok for students External link.
Impact on study funds
If your courses get credited, it can affect how many higher education credits you study in total. This, in turn, may affect your right to study funds.
If you are accepted for 30 ECTS a semester but get 10 ECTS credited, you only study 20 ECTS. You will then receive student funding only for the 20 higher education credits you actually study.
You are responsible for notifying CSN of changes in your study situation.
Academic qualifications from another country
If you have studied in a country connected to the Emrex system, for example Norway or Finland, you can collect your study credits directly in Ladok. You will need to do that before you apply for credit transfer.
This is how:
- Make sure you have an active student account both at KMH and at the foreign institution.
- Log in to Ladok for students.
- Select "Foreign qualifications", select the country and university, and log in with your details from the foreign university.
- Your study credits (completed courses) are then automatically downloaded into Ladok.
When you apply for credit, you can use these merits as a basis. At the moment, only information about completed courses (Transcript of Records) is transferred.
Credit after exchange studies
When you are back home, you have to apply for credit transfer for the studies abroad you have completed. Attach grades, Learning Agreement and course description to the application.