Cheating and other disciplinary offenses

Cheating means that a student misleads the assessment of study performance. This may involve plagiarism, copying, unauthorized aids during examinations and helping others to cheat. Other disciplinary offenses may be bullying, harassment or to disrupt teaching and other activities at KMH.

When exams are conducted as supervised written tests it is not allowed to use notes, mobile phone or other unauthorized devices.

As for degree projects, home assignments and other unsupervised exam situations, it is important to know how references, citations and references should be used. Here, plagiarism and copying are the most common types of cheating.

Any suspicions of cheating should be reported to the Vice-Chancellor, directly or via the Management Support Unit. The Vice-Chancellor is then responsible for the matter being investigated, and that the student concerned is given an opportunity to comment on the notification.

The consequences of cheating

Cheating may lead to a warning or suspension. When the investigation is completed, the Vice-Chancellor may

  • issue a warning
  • come to the conclusion that the matter should be left without action
  • let the Disciplinary Board, Disciplinnämnden, review the matter.

If the Disciplinary Board finds that cheating has occurred, students may be suspended from their studies for a maximum of six months. The student is during this time

  • not allowed to participate in tuition
  • not allowed to participate in examination
  • not allowed to be at KMH premises.

In case of suspension, the CSN will be notified.

Other disciplinary offenses

Other disciplinary offenses may be bullying, harassment or sexual harassment. Disciplinary actions may also be taken upon students who disrupts or interfere with tuition, exams or other activities at KMH.

These offenses are treated in the same way as cheating.

Guide for actions against offensive treatment/bullying Pdf, 643.8 kB.

The Disciplinary Board

The Disciplinary Board consists of the Vice-Chancellor, a lawyer and a teacher. Students are entitled to be represented by two representatives. Student representatives are appointed by KMS.

The rules on disciplinary offenses and penalties, as well as how the case is prepared and the compilation of the Disciplinary Board, are contained in Chapter 10 of the Higher Education Ordinance (1993: 100).

More about plagiarism and academic writing

Plagiarism can be anything from submitting an entire work done by someone else, to copying parts of a text or piece of music.

At KMH, written assignments and independent work are sent to the text analysis system Ouriginal for plagiarism control.

The University of Gothenburg has prepared the brief online course Academic Integrity. With short videos on academic writing, it addresses questions about quotes, notes and what plagiarism is. The course is a good introduction and requires no registration or applications. The course also includes sections on study technique.

Academic integrity External link.
