Networks, VPN and data storage

KMH has fixed and wireless networks. We are also connected to Eduroam, here you find up to date connection profiles. Onedrive is the primary data storage place.

VPN for external access

VPN is not accessible for students, only for employees with a KMH computer.


Eduroam is a secure, world-wide roaming access service and also the primary Wi-Fi on KMH Campus. Eduroam is primarily found in other affiliated universities and colleges, but also at university hospitals, a number of libraries in Sweden, as well as train stations, airports and ports.

Similarly, people from other parts of the world can access the internet when at KMH, using their local login credentials.

Download a connection for Eduroam

Use your KMH login credentials to access Eduroam.

You might also need to download a connection profile (only for Android):

  1. Go to  External link.
  2. Click on ”Click here to download your eduroam installer”.
  3. Find “Royal College of Music in Stockholm”.
  4. Download the profile and install it.

Data storage

In Office365 in Onedrive you can store up to approximately 25 GB of documents. It is a cloud based service, also accessible outside of KMH. If you need more storage you can buy an external hard drive.

Back ups

Files stored in Office365 in Onedrive are continuously backed up. Deleted files can be restored for 30 days.

The IT department performs back ups of data stored in Canvas. You yourself is responsible for backing up your own files, regardless of storage place.
