Eurhythmics in classroom and instrumental teaching

Sweden has a long and strong tradition of Eurhythmics teachers working in music education, both in the field of instrumental teaching in voluntary school forms and as music teachers in the compulsory school. In this module, divided in two parts, we will give you examples of how this can work in practice.


In the section regarding classroom setting you will become a little more familiar with the Swedish school system and the conditions of working within the frames of a set curriculum. You will also get lesson suggestions for different age groups and how to use a Eurhythmics approach on the given subjects.

In the section regarding instrumental teaching you will get ideas on how to work, both with individuals and groups, from small ensembles to orchestras. You will see examples from beginners up to a professional level of musicianship. Ideas on how Eurhythmics can be a support for ensembles working with their repertoire will also be shown.

Prof. Eva Nivbrant Wedin, Ingela Kågebo
Kungl. Musikhögskolan i Stockholm

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