While exploring different concepts of rhythm during the workshops and in daily life every new perspective, each new form and way of trying to perceive a rhythm from somebody or something brings up a certain question inside of me.
Am I feeling it or am I not feeling it?
This question is not about judgment based on emotions. It is about a search that just begun.
During the search I am looking for the stimulation that I gain once the perspective I am in makes sense to me. I know I reached this goal when I feel that I am receiving the necessary rhythmical information for my e.g.: movement to be in time with the noise of the broken air conditioner or to take an example from the workshops for my pendulum to merge unevenly with the one from my partner without us hurting each other.
The stimulating feeling, I got through finding something with the perspective I was looking for is the motivation for exploring more and different concepts of rhythm.
Johannes Heidelk
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