Mail and lockers

In the corridor between lamina A and C at the main floor are 'pigeonholes', mailboxes for internal messages and incoming mail. Mail arriving at the college should be registered, even when addressed to a particular person. Outbound mail is handled by Support Services.


The pigeonholes (mailboxes) are located on the entrance level, level 2, in the corridor that runs between house A and C. The staff have their pigeonholes closest to Support Services, students closest to Oktav. You reach the corridor via Support Services or via Erling-Persson­atriet at Oktav.

As a registered student you may in certain cases get a personal pigeonhole for internal messages and incoming mail. If you do not get a personal pigeonhole, your mail will end up in the common mailboxes located closest to the Erling Persson atrium.

Most employees have personal pigeonholes. Departments and units also have boxes.

Incoming and outgoing mail (staff)


All mail to KMH is considered to be an official letter and should therefore always pass through the registrars office. Then it is sent on to the staff concerned via the pigeonholes.

This means that even if a letter is addressed directly to you, it will be opened and, if it is an official letter, registered.

All invoices should be registered.

Outgoing mail 

Place your outgoing mail in the mailbox in the copying room on level 5, 1A530, or directly to Support Service.

When leaving mail to Support Services, you must inform the staff about which department the mail is sent from.

Please keep in mind that a large envelope (C4) with one A4 paper weighs over 20 grams. Please choose C5 envelope instead and fold the paper.

You must provide personal mail with a stamp.


KMH does not accept parcels addressed to students.

Personal lockers (students)

Registered students can, if space allows, get their own locker. You apply for a locker by filling in a form available at Support Services. You will be notified via your student email which locker you have received. The size of the locker you are assigned is mainly based on your main instrument.

Please notice that you need to have your own padlock for the locker.

If you study less than full-time, you may have to hand over your locker to a student who maintains a higher study rate. You cannot keep the locker if you take a study break, parental leave, study abroad or the like.
