Course registration
At the start of each semester you have to register, see instructions below. Course registration is a must for you to get your grades and student finance from CSN.
Exceptions are
- If you are going on exchange the upcoming semester, the Student Affairs Office takes care of it.
- If you want to complete a not finished course you have been registered to, you need to do a re-registration. At first you should talk with your Director of studies, then contact the Student Affairs Office.
- If a course in your curriculum is missing and not possible to register on, contact the Student Affairs Office.
If you think that there is something wrong in the information about you in Ladok, please feel free to contact us!
Student Affairs Office:
To register
- In Ladok, link below, select KMH (Royal College of Music) from the available options.
- Enter your username and password for your KMH account.
- Sign up for the courses you should take the upcoming semester.