KMA Scholarships
The Royal Academy of Music, KMA, award two scholarships, a local and a national. The local KMA scholarships can be applied for by all programme students at KMH. The national KMA scholarships can be applied for by students who have started their second year of a master programme.
Local KMA scholarships
Can be applied for by all programme students at KMH. Scholarship amounts vary from SEK 7,500 to SEK 20,000.
Application 2024 is closed
Requirements and purposes
All students who are registered for a course in educational programmes at KMH can apply for scholarships. This also applies to students who do part of their education at a foreign university through exchange programs. If you study at KMH through an exchange from another university, you are not entitled to apply for the scholarships.
You must have fulfilled your obligations to KMH. This means, among other things, that you must not be suspended from the library or Support Services. Applications from students who do not meet this requirement will be sorted out. The department and the students who have applied for a scholarship are informed that the application has been sorted out.
The scholarships should
- promote the education of young music students.
- be granted for for further education, participation in courses and studies abroad as well as for the purchase of instruments and music sheets.
- enable higher music studies after completing KMH education. Therefore, students in the final year are preferably rewarded.
Assessment and decision
The local KMA scholarships are given to students who carry out their studies in a meritorious manner. This means that great demands are placed on your skill and how you participate in and participate in all parts of the education. In the assessment, great emphasis is placed on how a possible scholarship contributes to your further development. The assessment takes into account whether you have previously received a scholarship through KMH.
The teachers at the department you study at participate in the assessment of scholarship applications. The Vice-Chancellor makes the final decision on who get the scholarships. Proposals are given by the Head of academy.
National KMA scholarships
Can be applied for by students who have started their second year of a master programme.
Applications and scholarships are handled entirely by KMA. They are covered by special eligibility rules. Scholarship amounts vary between SEK 30,000 and 90,000.
Information and instructions for the application are posted on KMA's website in March each year, and the application deadline is in May. All questions about these scholarships are answered by KMA.
Maximum amount
Scholarship holders can receive local and national KMA scholarships for a total amount of a maximum of SEK 220,000. Anyone who has received scholarships up to this (or previous) maximum amount does not have the right to apply again.