KMH Scholarships

When you are a registered student at KMH, you have the opportunity to apply for a KMH scholarship. They are mainly awarded to last year students. The scholarships are not meant to replace student aid. The maximum amount is SEK 20,000 and application should be handed in during the spring semester.

Application for 2024 is closed

Application is closed until spring 2025.

Requirements and purpose

All students registered and studying at KMH can apply for these scholarships. If you are part of an exchange programme, which means that you finish your studies at KMH, you can receive a scholarship, but not if you are in an intermission.

You should have completed your obligations at KMH. This means that you must not be banned from the student library or internal support. Applications from students who do not meet these requirements, are automatically sorted out. The institution and students applying for scholarships, are informed about which applications are sorted out.

The scholarships should

  • contribute to further education and training of skills, competence and ability
  • enable further training, courses, studies abroad, purchase of musical instruments etc.
  • prioritize activities arranged outside of KMH, studies abroad as well as experiences not provided by KMH
  • preferably award last year students
  • not replace ordinary student aid. If you motivate your application, saying that you do not receive student aid, this will not be taken into account.

Scholarships are awarded in full SEK 1,000. Maximum amount is SEK 20,000.

KMH is keen to ensure as sustainable travel as possible. It means that train should always be chosen first when possible. If travel costs for trains are more expensive than flights, this must be stated in the application. If this is the case, the higher amount may be granted as part of KMH's effort to reduce emissions from travel.

Assessment and decision

The KMH scholarships are awarded to students who fulfil their studies in a meritorious manner. This means that your skills are carefully assessed and also how you participate in the training. The assessment takes your ambition into account and that you take your study situation seriously. At the assessment, great importance should be placed on how a scholarship might contribute to your development.

The final decision is determined by the purpose and motives which you have stated in your application. It is also taken into consideration if you have received a KMH scholarship earlier.

The teachers in your home institution are part of the assessment. The Heads of the Academys make suggestions which students should be awarded a scholarshi. The final decision is made by the Vice-Chancellor. The decision will be announced some time during the end of spring semester. The final decision cannot be appealed.
