Eurhythmics is based on concepts found in reform pedagogy and on humanistic pedagogy. Attitude, appreciation and the recognition of the special human nature of the people with whom we work are formative aspects.
Impuls video: humanistic
Attitude, appreciation and recognition, as well as equal participation – these terms are found in statements and demands published in official international texts that discuss pedagogy and art. The Conventions of the United Nations (published since 1948) are examples of such texts, especially the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD 2006) in which the concept of inclusion is presented as a guideline for action.
In their Five Music Rights, the International Music Council (IMC) and the European Music Council (EMC) call for the right to music for all. National associations for music and Eurhythmics (e.g. those in Austria and Germany) work with these kinds of demands in position papers. Their work emphasises that which music- and movement-related learning offerings make possible, namely artistic-pedagogical approaches that focus on people and their creative possibilities of expression in a social environment that contains possibilities for participation by all. Eurhythmics, music and dance grow from these roots and are precisely for this reason valuable approaches that foster lived inclusion and lived diversity. The approaches are valuable for work in heterogeneous groups consisting of people with different abilities.
Related links
UN – United Nations External link.
What are human rights (UN) External link.
UN–CRPD: Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (2006) External link.
SDG – sustainable developmental goals (UN) External link.
International Music Council – IMC External link.
European Music Council – EMC External link.
The 5 Music Rights (EMC) External link.
Index for inclusion External link.
Inklusion einfach erklärt (explainity® Erklärvideo) ( External link.
Impulse paper MUSIC INCLUSIVE Austria 2021 External link.
Austrian Music Council: Kunst- und Kulturstrategie / Positionspapier 2022 (in German) External link.
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