Collaborative research projects and networks
A strong research environment requires platforms for the exchange of ideas, method development and dissemination of results, which KMH does successfully via a number of formalized networks, collaborations and research conferences.
Collaborative research projects
In several cases, KMH's researchers collaborate within other organizations' projects, such as KTH, Mälardalen University and Lund University where research grants have been received from, among others, VR, the KK Foundation and MAW in areas with interdisciplinary elements. The research results are reported in scientific publications and presented at conferences and seminars.
Ongoing projects
HeArtS – a platform for sustainable health at KMH
IRESAP – Information Retrieval in Embedded Systems for Audiovisual Artistic Processes
Singing Health in School – a Societal Concern
In addition to all the cooperation that individual researchers carry out within the framework of their research area, KMH has a number of cooperation agreements with other universities and their research environments in music and related areas. Through, among other things, postgraduate education collaborations with KTH, Lund University and KI, a strong environment for doctoral students in music in Sweden has been established.
Since 2018, KMH has been part of the research center NAVET, together with KTH, Konstfack and Stockholm University of the Arts. NAVET's vision is for Sweden to have a leading position at the intersection between art, technology and design, with a practical and critical focus that stimulates research, innovation, creativity and the development of a sustainable society. NAVET has recently been extended for another three-year period.
In collaboration with Luleå University of Technology (LTU) and the Department of Music in Piteå, KMH organizes the Interface Research Lab three times a year. For two to three days, all doctoral students and researchers are invited to present and discuss their projects with the possibility of artistic presentations. Together with LTU's doctoral students, this constitutes Sweden's largest environment for artistic research in music.
KMH is part of the governmental pilot project ULF (short for education, learning and research), an investment in collaboration between school, academy and research with the aim of strengthening the school's scientific and disciplinary foundation.
Graduate school
As a development of the governmental investment called ULF, KMH in collaboration with seven other universities has started a graduate school called ROCIT which aims to develop teacher training and the forms of collaboration between academia and school. KMH has two doctoral students in the graduate school.
Internal forums
In order to strengthen the research environment, KMH is continuously working on developing the open seminar, text and theory seminars and courses in higher education pedagogy. In addition, acquisition projects towards research competence are conducted by lecturers without formal postgraduate training with a focus on practical issues such as exploratory ensemble playing and method development around themes such as musical resistance and interaction.