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Teacher education programmes

KMH educates music teachers who see, listen and show interest in their pupils. They know how to arouse curiosity for the music subject in primary school, upper secondary school, cultural school and other school forms. With the education, you get the best of both worlds: scientific music pedagogy and specialization in the artistic subject of music.

At KMH will you meet a wide mix of music styles and personalities that will help you develop as a musician, teacher and as an individual. Many of Sweden's most prominent music teachers teach here. and we will help you to develop your talent and let creativity flow. As a student will you get a lot of inspiration as well as the best possible conditions for inspiring others to use music.

After the training, a secure labor market awaits. There is a great need for licensed teachers who can teach music in primary school, high school, cultural school and other educations.

Programmes in Swedish

The teacher education programmes at KMH are offered in Swedish. To be eligible to apply for teacher education programmes and to get a teaching certificate in Sweden, you will need a documented proficiency in Swedish.

Read more about general entry requirements

The teacher education programmes, 300–330 credits, starts at undergraduate and ends at graduate level (second cycle according to the new European standard).


The KPU, supplementary study programme, is a teacher education programme for upper-secondary school, 90 credits.

KPU, kompletterande pedagogisk utbildning External link.