Test description for Bachelor, Conducting – Choir
When you apply to this programme, you need to take an entrance examination test. Here is everything you need to know to complete the test.
Application code: KMH-14000
Test 1 – Digital audition
The first test is a digital audition which consists of two parts:
- Record a video from a rehearsal or concert in which you conduct an ensemble. The camera should be positioned so that you are seen from the front. You can either record one video or up to three shorter videos from different ensembles or with different repertoire. The total length of the video/-s should be approximately 10 minutes. The recording should have been made in the last few months. Allowed formats are MP4 or MOV. Try to keep the file size about 500 MB if possible.
- Write a short CV that shows your musical background and experience. Submissions without CV will not be considered.
The jury will assess you on your ability to use gestures that are rhythmically clear and musically expressive.
After you have submitted your application at universityadmissions.se External link, opens in new window. and once the deadline for applications has closed, you will receive further information via e-mail about how to submit your digital audition to KMH.
Test code: LS 15.0 Arbetsprov/Work Sample
Test time: Circa 10 minutes
Assessment: This test is a qualifying requirement for admission and will be evaluated on a pass (1) or fail (0) basis.
You will receive your results via e-mail. Passing applicants will proceed to the next test, which is administered on campus.
Test 2 – Conducting test
For this test, you will conduct a vocal ensemble in two pieces of music, which you receive by e-mail in connection to the invitation to this test. The test consists of two parts:
- You will conduct the first piece straight through without comments.
- You will rehearse the second piece for about 15 minutes.
The jury will assess your ability to convey a convincing musical interpretation, communicate with the ensemble and rehearse effectively and purposefully.
Test code: LS 15.1a Kördirigering/Choral Conducting
Test time: Circa 20 minutes
Assessment: This test is a qualifying requirement for admission and will be assessed on a pass (1) or fail (0) basis. This test is also the basis for the assessment of Test 5 – Complementary test.
You will be notified of your results from Test 2 shortly after the test. Passing applicants will proceed to the remaining tests.
Test 3 – Ear training
This test consists of three parts. You will work with the same piece of music in all three parts.
- You will sight sing a melody line. You may sight read both rhythm and melody at the same time, or you may first read the rhythm and then sing the melody.
- You will listen to a recording and then describe the chords and the harmonic progression. You may either describe what you hear or play it on the piano, and you may listen multiple times.
- You will sing one of the voices in the score (not the melody) while the test administrator plays the other voices.
The jury will assess your ability to perform rhythms and melodies presented to you, identify chords by ear and describe harmonic progressions as well as score playing.
Test code: LS 15.2 Gehör/Ear Training
Test length: Circa 20 minutes
Assessment: 0–10 points. This test is used to rank candidates as part of the selection process.
Example test in ear training
You can find examples of previous ear training tests at the following link:
Example test in ear training External link, opens in new window.
Test 4 – Music theory
This is a written test, and a piano will be available for you to use. The test consists of five parts:
- You will describe and identify musical clefs, note names, intervals, scales, and rhythm notation.
- You will describe and identify clefs, transposition, range, and playing techniques for the orchestral instruments.
- You will do a functional or scale degree (Roman numeral) harmonic analysis.
- You will harmonize a melody and write a four-part setting based on your harmonization.
- You will write a second instrumental voice for a melody provided to you.
The jury will assess your knowledge in the following areas: music theory, familiarity with different instruments, harmony, and part writing.
Test code: LS 15.3 Musikteori/Music Theory
Test length: 2.5 hours.
Assessment: 0–10 points. This test is used to rank candidates as part of the selection process.
Test 5 – Complementary test
This test consists of three parts:
- In a short interview, you will answer questions about your background, your future plans, and your special areas of interest.
- You will be asked to sight read a choral score on two staves and play it on the piano.
- You will be asked to demonstrate other skills you may have, as in vocal or instrumental performance, arranging, or composition.
The jury will assess your ability in musical performance and interpretation.
Test code: LS 15.4a Kompletterande prov inom kördirigering/Complementary Test in Choral Conducting
Test time: Circa 20 minutes.
Assessment: 0–50 points, pass requires 25 points. This test is a qualifying requirement for admission, and it is also used to rank candidates as part of the selection process. Ranking will also be based on the results of Test 2 – Conducting test.